Exchange Students

For the past several years, I have had the honor and priviledge of hosting and placing exchange students.  I have placed students from Denmark, Norway, Russia, Ukraine, France, South Korea, Italy, and Germany.  I would love to talk with you about hosting.  I take host families interested in hosting 6 weeks, a semester, or a year.  Let me know if you are interested in opening your home to a high school student.

I can also help your students travel overseas as an exchange student.  Ask me about our outbound programs.


  1. I am glad to know that you have done this before. My husband and I hope to welcome a student from South Korea one day in the future. I will definitely contact you when we feel the time is right!!!!

  2. Just let me know when you guys are ready!

  3. We had an exchange student live with us 2 years ago and it was the best experience we ever had!! I would love more info!!
